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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hashtag Compliments

Do you ever get a random compliment out of the blue and it completely makes your day ?  Sometimes a remark from a complete stranger can lighten your mood, put a smile on your face, or make you think differently about that "old shirt" you pulled out of your closet.  For the last few years I've noticed an upswing in people suggesting more compliments be given as you go about your day, and I think that's great. Random Acts of Kindness (or compliments)are awesome.  I feel it's time to take it one step further and create a movement to consciously compliment the people you care about.  Complimenting is best with very specific and sincere statements about how you feel about them, how they act, what they do, how they look, whatever strikes you. And I'm not talking a random "you look nice today" (although those are great too). I'm talking about taking one minute out of your day, every day to text someone that you know or leave a message on someone's Facebook wall or send an email just letting a friend know how you feel about them.
I do this a lot, and sometimes I think people think that I'm creepy, or they think that I might be trying to sell them something. I may very well be creepy, but I forge on, because I can't help myself. I like connecting with people, even for a moment, and making them feel good. It's what I do. It's something I'm good at, but I think that everyone could do it. Can you imagine a world where periodically you receive messages from someone you care about with an unsolicited compliment? Wouldn't that be wonderful? Maybe it needs a hashtag, or a specific day of the week, or even both. It would be nice to not limit such things, but life gets so busy. Traditions are good and Reminders are better. I wish there was a day of the week that began with a C, as alliteration seems to of helped "Throwback Thursdays" quite a bit.  Conscious complementing sounds a little bit too much like "conscious uncoupling", (thanks a lot, Gwyneth Paltrow).Okay, so I don't have a hashtag or a catchphrase yet, but I'll work on it, if all of you are willing to try doing this with me. I have over 1000 Facebook friends, all of whom people I know personally. Imagine the brightness in the world if each one gave a compliment to someone they love today. You CAN brighten someone's day.

Sometimes the best ideas strike you after some time has passed.  How about #saysomethingsweetSunday?  Or #ssss for short?  Worth a shot.

Doing good truly makes you feel good. Making someone else feel good can be it's own reward. There is a selflessness about it that would do everyone a bit of good. Who is with me?

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