About Me

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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Maxism in the Morning on a Monday

It's been a while since I've written...part me being busy, part me being lazy, part me being overwhelmed with the idea of it...so I thought no time like the present to jump back in...but I am starting slow, with a little recounting of the conversation I just had with Max.

Max (stealing the sleeping kitten off of my shoulder): Can I have a burrito?
Me (on computer, jumping between twitter, facebook, and paying bills): Sure.
Max wanders off...

About 10 minutes later, I get up and away from the computer, and start tackling the to do list for the day, which involves tidying the front of the house, so I pass through the back with a pile of stuff, where Max is watching The Incredibles.

Max (on couch): So, did you make my burrito?
Me (not stopping, still putting things away and walking back and forth): No. You know how to make a burrito, I thought you were going to make it.
Max: No, that's ok, you can make it.
Me: No, I don't want to make it. I am doing something. You need to make the burrito if you want the burrito.
Max: I can't right now because I am watching the movie.
Me: Then I guess you won't get a burrito then.
Max: Please!
Me: You have to make it yourself. Not optional.
Max: But my hands are full.
Me: What?
Max. My hands are full. Full of kitty.

At this point, I just stopped talking. Full of kitty.

1 comment:

heather said...

Umm Love you and Love Max!