About Me

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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Isn't that a song title?

In any case, my biodad died yesterday. I don't really know what I think about it or what to say about it, or how to blog about it in a way that won't piss off everyone that's already pissed off or those who aren't or those who are too selfish to realize what they had or those who are too arrogant to think outside of themselves, or who are too angry to realize self righteousness is never the answer, so I'm going to go with the things that make me happy. Happy thoughts, memories for which I am grateful. In list form, for the most part.

Thank you, Luis Carlos DeCastro, for the following:

Flank steak and rice with onion sauce
Teaching me how to ride a bike
Taking me on bike rides around Santa Monica alleyways to look for fruit so often that I can still spot an avocado tree at 1/4 mile away.
Teaching me how to make Huevos Rancheros
Taking me to the Hare Krishna Festival of Chariots and letting me touch the elephants
Giving me my love of the ocean
Crying when you watched me play Anne Frank
Giving me a sincere appreciation for convertibles

That's what I have in the Grateful column. I hope I'm forgetting things, but I'm pretty sure that's what there was. I don't feel the need to make any other sorts of columns, cause I don't think it will help anyone. I hope he is at rest. I sincerely hope with this last passage comes peace.

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