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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Enough with the Blessed, Already

Stop saying you feel "blessed". You're not blessed. You can feel fortunate, lucky, humble, grateful, appreciative, thankful… But stop feeling so "blessed". You were NOT handpicked by the universe to get that new job, get that new car, go on vacation, see that sunset, have good cholesterol, sleep through the night, find your partner, have a healthy family, or what ever else you think you've been blessed with.
You.  Were. NOT.

You are fortunate. You should feel grateful. You can show appreciation and gratitude and happiness and pride.  But you need to realize that being #blessed means that YOU were better than the person who did not get that thing.  YOU were better than that person who just got a cancer diagnosis, who just had a car accident, who just got hit by a drunk driver, who is getting a divorce, whose child is sick, who just lost their job.  Do you even realize that's what you're saying???
The next time you want to show the world about how you feel "blessed" you feel, I would like you to go down to St. Jude's and say it to all the kids there affected by cancer and other horrible diseases. Tell them you were blessed because you're healthy and your life is good. And explain to them maybe they just weren't good enough to be blessed like you.  Go ahead. Tell them that. I dare you.

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