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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

As it turns out.

I had a great time at my 22.5 year reunion. I gave those who deserved it just enough grief and otherwise enjoyed chatting up everyone. I was told that I was beautiful by the hippest girl in the class (who grew up gorgeous) and upon ackward silence, when I wasn't sure how to respond, was told that it was because I looked so happy now...and that I didn't seem happy in school. You think?

I agreed to produce and perform in a cabaret act with the most popular boy from the class, told the class jock I always had a crush on him, and had the boy who left in 4th grade tell everyone how amazing I was in high school (although I had kinda forgotten that he was there). It was actually fun, and actually they weren't awful people. So nice that people grow up.

Nick and Serge talked me through the car ride on the way down, Serge being incredulous that I was going at all, and Nick hoping it would end up like the episode of 30 Rock when Liz Lemon goes to her reunion and finds out that actually she was the mean one. Hats off to them for getting me there in one piece, and to Fieron for being my back up plan. I love my boys.

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