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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh yeah? Take THAT.

There is a quote somewhere that says something to the effect of "The sweetest revenge is to live your life well", but more eloquent than that. I'd look it up, but I don't have time. I'm blogging. Priorities, people. You get the idea, right? I don't need to spell it out for ya....

I'm super excited. I just booked my first commercial where I'll be in front of the camera. I recently got an agent and went on my first 2 commercial auditions last week. The first one, I was put "on avail", which basically means I made it on the director's short list. It can mean nothing, as there are other folks on this list, and I may not get picked...but it's still very cool that I made the list. The second one went SO poorly that I walked out embarrassed, horrified, and with my tail between my legs. That one, I booked. I got the call from my agent today and will be filming it on Thursday. She's less than thrilled, as what they listed as the pay has been cut drastically, which they can do, since I'm not union...but she didn't really want me to take it. It's still more than I've ever made for one day of doing ANYTHING and it's an acting gig. So, yeah, I'm cool with it. And I'm pretty much totally geeking out about it.

But here's the thing. When I was around 12, my biodad and stepmother had a dinner guest. I have no idea who it was. I may have blogged about this before, cause it was a formidable event in my growing up and has always stuck in my memory. This dinner guest was making conversation with me and asked me what I liked to do. I said "I'm an actress", cause frankly, that was the only extracurricular activity I ever did. Ever. My stepmother later pulled me aside and told me I was NEVER to answer that question that way again. That I was NOT an actress, that just taking acting lessons and being in plays and student films and psa's that didn't pay and the like did not make me an actress, and it was misleading for me to tell someone that is what I was. I could say "I like to act" or "I do theater" but calling myself an actress was presumptious and incorrect. I stood corrected.

Today I was in the Social Security office, waiting for to get called in line to get a renewal card, and a man overheard me talking to my friend about getting this booking...when I got off the phone, he made eye contact and said- " Are you an actress?"

And I know it's just ONE commercial, and I know it's not even union, and it's not national...but you know what? I have an agent, and I am getting paid, tomorrow I'm going in for wardrobe, and this feels more "real" than anything I've done since coming back to this life...and now I feel pretty freaking ok saying it. Yes, I'm an actress. Take THAT.


alexj63 said...

You're amazing. You deserve this shoot, and who knows what could come of this? People always try to you down especially when you have something they don't. In this case, a rocking personality and charisma that got you the shoot in the first place.
"where the crowds will cheer, when they see my face, and a voice keeps saying this is where i'm meant to be"


Ariella said...

Thank you, AJ. You're too sweet. I miss your handrubs and your amazing energy. xoxoxox