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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Sometimes I wanna go start a commune with like minded people. I read things like the Obama birther nonsense and it makes me SO frustrated with the world, I just want to hit something. I go to Costco and am surrounded by hypnotized, slack jawed, self absorbed morons the entire time I am there, and I think what is wrong with humanity? Why are people so completely unaware of the world around them and how is it that they seem to not care at all? How can it be that there are people who still throw plastic bottles into the trash? How can it be that there are still people using plastic bottles?? I just don't understand. As the "kids" would say, SMH. I am SMH big time.
Has everyone seen Idiocracy yet? I really feel like it's prophetic and it scares the daylights out of me...until I turn on my inner apathameter and turn off my feelings. I wish I could do that more.

But I know if I started a commune, even with a rigorous screening process, there would be snags. There are always snags. I learned well from Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm that Utopia can only last so long, and then someone's head ends up on a stick. And honestly, as much as I'd love to go live on some sort of autonomous collective (without the King Arthur showing up and getting all bossy), the reality is that putting myself in a progressive, intelligent, earth conscious, not self absorbed, caring, loving, talented bubble isn't going to make the rest of the small minded, bigoted, narcissistic, selfish, idiotic world go away. It might even make it get worse, as a bunch of us would be missing from it.

So what's the solution? Doing our best to make good choices? Living by example? Standing on the street corner with a bullhorn, cattywompus from the dude quoting scripture every weekend, instead quoting all the reasons why we should be recycling, changing to greener energy choices, reducing our trash output, supporting the arts, having compassion for our fellow men and women, allowing consenting adults who love each other to have the same rights as other consenting adults, realizing that there but for the grace of whoever or whatever you believe in go you? I don't know. For now, I'm just blogging. Evidently that's my solution. I suppose it's easier than starting a collective.

1 comment:

Andemonium said...

I'll start a commune with you. :)