About Me

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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Monday, March 9, 2009

One Week

It's been a slow week in comparison to the tree crashing, chicken slaughtering weeks of old...but upon reflection, this slow little week has come and gone with all kinds of twists and turns.

Last Sunday, March 1st, was my late aunt's birthday. She would have been 58. She also would have killed me for publicizing that...without any work she didn't look a day over 36 and having a 31 year old son was her only giveaway. We didn't celebrate. We didn't really even acknowledge. I called my mom a few times and passed along love to my grandma, who wouldn't even come to the phone. I called my cousin and left a voice mail to make sure he was doing ok, a text message response told me he appreciated me checking on him. I cried off and on during the day, but kept myself busy with a visitor...Caren got in the night before to spend 5 wonderful days with me and I was enjoying every minute possible with her, which meant not a lot of crying.

Caren came with me to my class on Tuesday, and I got to perform for her. She hadn't seen me on stage since forever...and it was nice to be able to then gossip about all the folks in my class to her. I performed my song, and I think I did fine, but I continue to think it may be time to move on. Several of my buddies are no longer in the class, and I am feeling that I may need to take the next step into real stage time. *gulp*

Magnolia turned 7 on Friday, which of course meant a lot of non working time was spent cleaning the house, buying presents, and prepping for a family dinner Friday night. Oh, and I also agreed to organize and run the pizza sale at the school from 4:30-5:30 that night. Cause I am crazy. Mags decided she didn't want cupcakes at school, she wanted root beer floats...which added a little extra effort on my part, but birthdays are important to me, so it was fine. She wanted them for dinner that night too, so no baking for me. It was relatively uneventful, an acceptable number of Littlest Pet Shop crap was acquired, so everyone was happy. And now I am the mother of a 7 year old, which is bizarre. I've said it before and I'll say it again...if it weren't for the children growing older, I am sure I would still be in my 20's. I feel no different. Kinda.

The week was bookended by Sunday, my grandma's 90th birthday. No celebrations again, she has felt this whole year anniversary of the 48 days my aunt was sick is a time of more intense mourning, and I can't say I blame her. She refused all offers by my mom and my cousin to go out or get together, but agreed to me coming over to visit. I didn't even wish her a happy birthday, just went over and we cried a little, laughed a little, and she eventually decided just running out for some pizza wouldn't be that bad after all...as long as I kept it a secret. Good thing none of them read my blog. :) I let her have pepperoni even with her bad blood pressure, because I know if I ever turn 90, if someone so much as looks at me thinking the words "that's not good for your diabetes" I will kill them handily. I wish I could have stayed longer, but duty called, and I had to head home to let Michael go back to work.

Next week will be the one year anniversary of my aunt's passing. I can't believe a year has already gone by. But for now, another week came and went, and it will continue to be a wonder to me that the earth keeps moving along, no matter what we do about it.

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