About Me

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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Looks like I picked the wrong week to...

It seems as though my need to blog comes when I am have more than my facebook status updates can handle, which is a lot, judging by how often I manage to change that darn thing.

Today I got a parking ticket. For parking in front of my own flippin' house. I hate that...and when I parked there yesterday, I momentarily considered that I would need to move the car before 10am. I figured I would. I didn't. Michael called at 9:30, and thought about reminding me...but I didn't answer, so he figured we were out. We weren't. I have saved many of my neighbors the same fate, calling or knocking to remind them they needed to move their cars, hoping the kharma would pay me back. It didn't. Can't park on my side of the street on Tuesdays from 10am until noon. I remembered at 11:50. $55 dollars I don't have and now owe. Bugger. On the upside, usually it takes me several hours to recover from that stupid ticket (yes, it has happened before)...today only took me about 30 minutes. Not bad.

The middle of the day included mundane stuff...laundry, sweeping, ridding the house of pine needles, dishes, unpacking, keeping the kids happy and at bay...mostly with the help of a friend's kid, who came to distract mine. I am not a fan of this sort of thing, but it has to get done, so do it I did...and then once the extra child went home, I went to work out. Now, I kind of worked out a little yesterday, and was more sore than I should have been, but this was a full on, full hour, Zumba workout. My favorite cardio. It's been at least a month. I turned very very very red...but I made it through and had a blast. I look forward to having the time to do it regularly again. Between rehearsals and prepping for camp and the boutique, I just didn't have the time...which sucked.

I followed up my workout with a trip to the post office, where I waited for 30 minutes for the APC behind people for whom reading the back of the cereal box must be an overwhelming experience. Once it got to my turn, I discovered the machine was no longer printing stamps in the small size I needed. Brilliant. My hungry kids, having been patient throughout the whole experience, were none too pleased that mommy was none too pleased. The crazy lady (of the night?) outside the post office, who followed us to the car with such witticisms as "well, you never can trust government run offices" who I pandered to, but rushed my kids (mommy, do you know that lady?) into their carseats with the speed of a...well, the speed of a mom trying to get her kids away from a Sepulveda hooker.

Homeward bound, where thankfully, Michael and Colleen had started the oven and prep for dinner (homemade pizza...dough left over from my bday, YUM) and we had a lovely dinner. I worked on my new hangtag for my products when I realized what I really needed was a graphic designer in residence. Sadly, the one I had I have driven away...and I could really use his help right now. Damn me and my stupid ability to make women jealous at the drop of a hat. I wish I either had some sort of graphic design skill or a GD cabana boy/girl.

For a day that had nothing going on, a lot happened.

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