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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Last night I went to the Nuart Theater for the 21st anniversary of the Infamous Live Shadowcast, the Sins O' The Flesh, of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I was in this cast from the age of 15-20. I presided as cast leader for one year, until I gave it up for a boyfriend, with whom I then broke up and went running back to my garters and high heels. I played Magenta, the domestic...but at one point or another, played every role. It was a huge part of my informative years, and helped make me who I am, as much as anything else. I always enjoy going to our little reunion show, but last night was different. Instead of just dining before, hanging out in the parking lot, then heading home at a reasonable (relatively) hour, I stayed. It was the first time I went without posse, and maybe that is why...but in any case, I had a brilliant time.

The evening started at my parents, an evening concocted to celebrate mine and Michael's birthday, which included my brother's favorite main dish, and his girlfriend's favorite side dish, and no cake or presents. Don't get me wrong, I've celebrated plenty for me, and we have another 2 weeks before Michael's actual bday, so it is fine...just amusing at the auspisces under which the whole thing was planned, when really it was about my brother, as usual.

About 5 years ago, when my brother was 16, I gave him a certificate for his birthday, promising to take him to Rocky with me sometime. He never took me up on my offer, but a few days ago, he asked about it, and since I knew I was going to be going anyway, I suggested he and his girlfriend come. They had no idea what they were in for...which was so fun. My old cast friends knew me when my mom was pregnant with him, so it would be a shock. At dinner, he asked, "So, is it a play? I don't understand." I tried to explain the concept, but then said, just wait and see. After Michael took the kids home, I changed and fixed my makeup, which my mom then "adjusted" adding enough eyeliner to make it look like I was performing in the show. I guess if there is anywhere to wear that much makeup it was the Nuart.

I went to the restaurant where we meet before, caught up with Eain and Dave. Eain nicely agreed to be my boyfriend for the evening...so compliant. :) He's the reason I ended up going back to the party which started me and Michael so he always gets mad props. I stopped at Starbucks, and headed to the parking lot, where I broke Duckie as soon as he got there by pointing out 20 year old Tommy. I introduced them, my brother handling meeting probably his first albino, most certainly his first hardcore looking pierced albino wearing a kilt, with much aplomb. He only looked slighty shocked when Duckie said- "Man, you used to wake me up when you were a baby whenever I would sleep over!" (little. brother. registering. married-sister-as-teenager). I mean, Michael has been in his world since he was 7, so he knows no different, really. He recovered nicely, although Duckie was sufficiently freaked out to make the whole evening worth it.

Eventually we were allowed into the theater, it was a packed house, and I actually stayed in the theater for the 90 minute preshow and the movie. I yelled lines I haven't thought about in years, I messed up a lot, I kept thinking a line was coming up, when it was just a Magenta moment...I yelled, I laughed, I caught up with friends, I made my brother squirm, I pointed at Gillian's Dodds, it was so. much. fun. It almost made me feel like actually agreeing to perform again someday. Several of the cast members from when I joined cast (laura-laura, scott, sean) were there, and we discussed performing at an original alumni alumni night...wow. That would be something.

I drove home at 4:20, totally awake, and wholly confused at having been able to make it as long as I did. The kids started in at around 7:30, which sucked...but I got a little nap in later. I am still wonky, but it was totally worth it. I can't wait for next year.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Sounds like you had a really great time. I'll make you a deal- I'll perform next year if you do....