About Me

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I blog. I also mother, wife, create, preserve, recycle, cook, act, quilt, exercise, laugh, write, lolligag, work, volunteer, sing, and sometimes sleep.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mornings with Max

As much as I look forward to a time when I have the time to devote to my work on a daily basis- both Quilting Mama work and actual office work, I will so miss my mornings with Max when he starts kindergarten in the fall. Here are some excerpts from our conversations thus far today:

Max (holding screwdriver): Mama, do you have something I can screwdrive?
Me: (washing dishes): Huh?
Max: I need to screwdrive something, please!
Me: Oh, um, sorry sweetheart, I don't have anything that I can think of that needs screwdriving (enjoying my new verb).
Max: But MOM! I really really need to screwdrive SOMETHING.
Me: Yeah, you might want to get used to that.
Max: Huh?
Me: Why don't you check outside, honey. Maybe you'll find something.

Before this conversation, I had the required 10 minutes of "how old are you, Mama?" to which I am supposed to answer truthfully sometimes, and completely randomly other times. He goes through our family, and then talks about our relative ages...sometimes fictional ages, sometimes the real ones. This gets tiresome.

This one was earlier this morning:
Max: Mama, in Mulan all the boys fight in the war and Mulan has to pretend to be a boy.
Me: Uh-huh.
Max: But why? Why don't they let girls go to China?
Me: They do allow girls in China, honey, it is just that a long time ago, in olden times, they didn't let girls fight in wars in China. ( I think this may still be true, I just wasn't sure)
Max: Why?
Me: Because they thought that girls weren't as strong or as smart as boys.
Max: Why do they gender stereotype like that? They're big gender stereotypers.
Me: Yes, honey. Lots of people are. Even today and even not in China.
Max: But we don't. We aren't big gender stereotypers.
Me: We do our best.

He went on to discuss how Magnolia and I are very smart girls. Yay.

And I do have piles and piles to get through still, but hey, I can do them while he's screwdriving.